Welcome to influencer.dev

What is influencer.dev?

influencer.dev is a growing collection of developer-focused content creators. Our aim is to help the creators showcase their work, and to help companies, brands and followers find the technical voices and audiences they are looking for.

Why did we build this?

Lots of technical folks have built niche audiences around their content (making them "dev influencers"). Many of these influencers are also open to collaborations (paid or unpaid).

At the same time, lots of brands are looking for the right influencers and content creators to review and promote their dev-focused products.

But it's hard for these two groups to find each other.

That's the problem we're solving with influencer.dev - an open-source marketplace for dev influencer collaboration. It allows technical content creators to promote themselves to relevant brands and it enables brands to easily connect with the most relevant creators for their target audience.

What is a "dev influencer"?

You are a "Dev Influencer" in our eyes if you check the following boxes:

✅ You are currently and consistently creating quality content for developers (you need to be able to show off your work to other people)

✅ You have specific technical areas of expertise that you focus on with your content

✅ You publish your content on mainstream platforms under your personal name/brand (and not as a ghostwriter)

✅ You are interested in working with brands/companies to create content related to their dev-focused products

💡 Note that we didn't say anything about audience size. We don't care about how many followers you have. As long as you can demonstrate that you are publishing quality, technical content for a technical audience under your own name, you're eligible to be included in the list.

Join the club.

Do you create content for developers? Are you a dev-focused company? Then you should join influencer.dev.

Yes, it's free. No, there's no catch.
Built on Unicorn Platform